
Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Letter To My Boys

I remember the day you were both born like it was yesterday. I remember the feeling of overwhelming joy colliding with fear all at once. I remember the sound of your first cry and the feeling of your skin against mine for the first time, and thinking I am now a mother (twice).

When you each came home we spent time feeding, napping, changing diapers and getting to know each other. There were baths, and books, and long nights of NO sleep.  There were oohs and ahhs and tummy time and cuddle time. Time…time has gone so fast already and I just wish I could press the pause button just for a little while.  I find myself looking in the rearview mirror at the two of you laughing with each other in the backseat and thinking about all the things I want for you both.  The early days of living in our bubble & hoping I could hide the world from you for just a little while are fleeting so this is what I want you both to know.

Life is in and of itself awesome. You are truly able to become whoever you want to become. You can do whatever you put your mind to…as long as you stay determined and work hard for it.  Life is also hard. The world is full of people who won’t see you the way I do, and that’s ok. I want you both to know not only right from wrong but to be proud to stand up for what’s right no matter the cost.  I want you both to respect girls. I want you to hold doors open, say please and thank you & look people in the eyes when they are speaking to you.  I want you to work hard and never expect a hand out, but be willing to help someone should they need it.  I want you to judge people from the inside not by the color of their skin, or appearance.  I want you to lead instead of follow.  I want you to become the men who fathers will want their daughter’s to date. 

I want you both to be happy, to never settle for things because you think it’s what other people want you to do. Life is short and you only get to do it once so do it right. I want you to remember that no matter what I love you.

I may be getting slightly ahead of myself… so for now I want you to play with no worry, run with no fear & dance (better than me). I want you to go to bed happy and wake up even happier. I want you to laugh with your friends. I want you to climb trees and discover something new and exciting in the every day.  Most of all I want you both to feel loved.  The days can get crazy filled with spills, falls & cries, but I know that these days are ones we will always remember and I’m going to make them last as long as I can.


  1. They sound like very lucky little boys, Jennifer. You have all of the priorities straight.
    Now you just need unlimited energy!

    1. Thanks Lorinda. Coffee will be my friend for the next 18+ years. ;)

  2. Perfect! Yay for your first post!

    1. Thank you! It felt fitting to start off with a letter to them...after all without them I wouldn't have this blog. :)

  3. Your blog is beautiful, your voice is strong and your kids are very lucky that this very first post will always be here for them. Congratulations on your very first post. Welcome to the blogosphere. . . what took you so long?

    1. Thank you Karen! It felt fitting to dedicate my first post to the boys that inspired the blog in the first place. Now that you ask I'm not sure what took me so felt great! :)

  4. A lovely first post, friend! A poignant debut. Can't wait to read more and follow along with you!

    1. Thank you so much Jen! I'm so glad you liked it.

  5. So excited for you on this new journey of writing -- a great adult outlet of thoughts in a busy child-filled world! xoxo

  6. lovely Jenn! You have 2 lucky and beautiful boys.

  7. What a way to start! You're boys are going to be such inspiration for your new voice:) I look forward to reading so much more

    1. Thank you so much! I am loving all my fellow mom/blogger support. You are all amazing!

  8. Beautiful up to the very last word :)

  9. This is very well articulated. Sometimes raising a good, happy, playful, smart, well-adjusted boy can seem like an impossible feat(especially because of the derelict men in my own family tree). I often worry how it will all turn out. But thanks for reminding us to enjoy the little things and that "Life is in and of itself awesome." Your boys are so lucky! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Found your blog on the Honest Voices blog hop. I'm a mom of 3 little boys and I've been working on a similar letter to my boys in my head for a while now. So much I want to say to them. You've said it so well.

    Glad to have come across your blog!

    1. Taryn, So happy you stopped by and like this letter. Raising boys is draining but I wouldn't trade it for the world and I'm sure with 3 you feel the same. :)I hope you'll come around more often.

  11. I do love this letter. Thanks for hooking up at the Humo Day Hook Up!

    1. Thanks Molley and thank YOU for hosting the Hump Day Hook Up. I love it!

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